Radical Stillness -Dismantling war from within

Like many people I found myself experiencing a brand new sensation during the Covid lockdowns, enough to stop me in my tracks and ponder.  This new feeling arose from my body, I started to ask myself “Is this what reclaiming a calm nervous system feels like?”

So why in my mid ’50’s had it taken me so long to feel peace?  Maybe it was the result of not needing to be somewhere on time, to look a certain way, not needing to be anybody in particular, there was a halt on normal services both within and without.

I am not remotely political but I am aware I am a product of a wildly unbalanced system, a system which pits us against each other, for so called success and status.  Competition has run through our ancestral veins for eons, there is no area in our lives where (and I use the word reluctantly) old Patriarchal values have not infiltrated.  We are so unaccustomed to a calm nervous system, that it is hard to conceive of a life that is calm and peaceful. I began to realise a certain amount of radical action is required to become radically still and what I say may infact be radically anti establishment.

The depth of conditioning of the ‘other’ is beyond our comprehension, the other race/sex/country/political party/class etc. Division and polarity are hardwired into patterns of our biology. The last couple of years this has been my work, to undo this hardwiring, giving my nervous system the experience of feeling where I was lacking ease, harmony and grace.  And it’s still a work in progress!

Being at peace is bad for business, we no longer want to buy labels, the latest anything, we develop a relationship for the old skirt that can repaired, we no longer want to be the best at everything, as frankly peace as a baseline frequency is just too important, too beautiful and the sweetest nectar.

came up with a session I call ‘Soul Gardening’ with it’s aim of giving ourselves the time and space to get curious on where peace is not reigning within us. Peace being the potent fertiliser in which only love can grow, weeding out all fear to propel a soul to love even greater, despite all the contradictions we face.

Radical stillness is an art form and a foundational lifelong practice, it asks us to be more conscious of our everyday choices, asking us to follow our own timing, tending to our nervous system, by living in sync with our cyclical wisdom, prioritising rest to get present with our feelings and staying open hearted as a potent navigation system.

Reclaiming peace is the balm, the medicine and antidote for our modern lives. My heartfelt wish is for us to hold peace, calm and serenity as a baseline for our lives.  And I welcome you to join me in dismantling the polarity from within, for radical stillness is fundamental to our wellbeing, our health and our lifelong birthright.   


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